The Oral Presentation

Now we will look at three of the questions received from our readers about the speech presentation. This is part of the internal assessment and you will be expected to write your speech and then deliver it to an oral examiner.
In Chapter 9 you learned how to prepare an oral presentation.
In Chapter 11 you learned about the criteria for the CAPE oral presentation.

Note: Look back at Chapter 9 and refresh yourself on ‘Organising a speech’, page 167 and ‘Developing a speech’, page 170.

FAQs (Frequently asked questions)

1        How long should the speech be?

Your speech should be a minimum of seven (7) minutes, and a maximum of ten (10), minutes long. Your examiner may or may not ask you some questions about your theme, topic or presentation.
2        What should be in the speech?

Your speech presentation should comprise the following:
  • a greeting
  • an introduction/rationale
  • an evaluation of your source(s)
  • an evaluation of their data/arguments
  • challenges/obstacles encountered
  • personal response to the topic.
3        Are we allowed to use charts or music?

Candidates are free to use relevant and well designed visual and audio aids in their presentation. However, these must be well prepared so that they do not detract from the presentation and become obstacles in the communication process.